

We will install a hardware device inside vehicle and configure this to communicate with our servers and you can view live on mobile and web services.

Normal vehicle it may take 30Min but luxury models it will take 1-2hrs depends on your requirements and sensor configurations.

For Basic installation there won’t be any disturbance to any wiring, for sensor or OBD installations for Fuel, Immobilizations etc we need to disconnect starter cables and CAN connectivity of cars, for this you may need to refer car distributer since some agents won’t agree this.

Yes it’s possible since our platform supports more than 700+ models of GPS manufacturers, but if the devices are encoded by different vendors will not be able to use this.

Yes it depends on your subscription plan, GPS need GSM internet and server platform for data storage with mapping services.

Yes its a matter of connecting 2 cable to power up device for basic functions.

We can add multiple vehicles under one user account and track.

Yes this will work anywhere but again depend on Telecom Regulatory authority approvals for some brands in specific country.

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