

Privacy Policy

UniversalGPSTracker.com., respects your privacy and is committed to protecting in all ways as we can. We disclose our privacy statement here that notifies you about our privacy policy & practices about the way your information is collected online & how the information is used.

Basic information collected

The visitors’ domain and IP addresses are automatically collected which is used to see where the site is being used in the world to ensure coverage, and for click stream analysis to help better understand site usage, so that we can improve our service to you in the future. No personal details will be collected while this process, but the identity of the computer is being captured. We do not link information automatically logged by such means.


Cookies are small pieces of information that are stored on computers by the servers which do the operations, which identifies the pages you visited last time. This will help you to access the same pages when you look for more info on the same website. These cookies do not compromise your privacy or security as they store a randomly generated identifying tag on your computer. However, you still have the option to stop these cookies from being stored on your computer, please refer to your web browser instructions and follow the steps to stop cookies from being stored. The cookies we place on your computer are known as COOKIEID and USERID and expire at the end of your session. In a few cases blocking cookies may reduce the functionality of some sites or prevent access to them depending on your chosen browser options.

Requesting Information

When you request additional information through our website or may be making inquiries on a general policy through enquiry forms, we may need to know some personal information about you, to ensure the safety of application and product info. When emailing us, or subscribing for newsletters or information we need your e-mail address, name, and other limited personal identifiers, say your name and contact number. Your personal data will be processed to provide information, goods, products and services you request in the form that you require. We will not circulate your personal data to 3rd parties without prior consent from you. If we look to use your personal data for a new purpose, beyond what it was originally provided for, we will seek your consent before taking any further steps.

Intellectual Property Rights

universalgpstracker-owned Intellectual Property in the Products and Services. Copyright and all other intellectual property rights subsisting in the database accessible via the Services and each and every piece of information provided through the Services ‘the Information’ is owned by universalgpstrack or the providers of such information. The Customer may use Information retrieved from the Services only for his own purposes which means that the Customer may not sell, resell, retransmit or otherwise make the Information retrieved from the Services available in any manner or on any medium to any third party unless the Customer has obtained universalgpstrack’s prior written consent.

Data retention

Data will be held for the 1 year your subscription is active for the purposes of contacting you effectively after which time it is depersonalized and non-identifiable. We do not collect any additional information about you other than that discussed above. To enquire about accessing your personal data stored with us, please contact us.